Gap Closer Games
Rival Restaurants Kickstarter Deluxe Upgrade Pack [Pre-Order]
Rival Restaurants Kickstarter Deluxe Upgrade Pack [Pre-Order]
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Missed the Kickstarter Deluxe Edition? The KS Deluxe Upgrade Pack will allow you to Upgrade the Base Edition to the Deluxe Edition by adding the following components:
- Acrylic Tokens (64 x 100, 32 x 300, 44 x Garbage Tokens)
- 2 Additional Players (2x Cost Guides, Wheels and Clips)
- 6 Kickstarter Exclusive Action Cards
Rival Restaurants is an asymmetrical, real time, strategy and negotiating game for 2-6 players where revenge is a dish best served cold . . . and hot. Each player will play one of 8 different restaurants, each with different level up bonuses, and combine them with one of 12 different chefs, each with a different chef powers. Each player starts with two recipes and work to acquire the required ingredients so that they can score popularity points by cooking recipes. The first player to earn 20 popularity points is declared “The Wiener” and wins the game.
![Rival Restaurants Kickstarter Deluxe Upgrade Pack [Pre-Order]](
2-6 Players | 45-60 Minutes | Ages 10+

Companion App
The Rival Restaurants: Board Game Companion App is designed to be used with the board game. It displays the current phase, time remaining in each phase, and provides visual and audio cues to all players. The app also features a "How-To-Play Tutorial" as well as FAQ's.
Special thanks to Pixelwood Games (Ajay Karat, Dan Hunyh, Melissa Chen, Mighel Yang, Omar Montreal and Viet "Sam" Lee) for development and testing!
Technically speaking, no. But the recommended time for MONEY and MOVE is 1 minute.
if more than 1 chef reaches 20 or more 👍 on the same day, whoever has more 👍 wins.
If there’s a tie, then whoever cooked more Gourmet Recipes wins.
If there’s still a tie, whoever has more money wins.
(In the unlikely event that there is still a tie, have the other chefs vote for the winner … or you can arm-wrestle, play tic-tac-toe, or better yet, have an actual cook-off!)
If a shelf runs out of ingredients during BUY and BARTER, you cannot replenish the market using the discarded ingredients until COOK and COUNTER. If the shelf is running low on ingredients during BUY and BARTER, do not replenish the shelf with discarded ingredients until you actually run out of shelf ingredients, and even then, only replenish the shelf during COOK and COUNTER.
No. You get the level-up bonus for either reaching or passing each bonus.
In that case you would get your level up bonuses simultaneously. For example, if you had 2 points originally, but then cook a Gourmet Recipe worth 6 points, you would get your restaurant’s Rising Dough (3 point) bonus and the Hot Sauce (7 point) bonus.
Yes, you can buy as much as you can afford, but only from the location that you are in. In other words, if you are the Chop Shop, you can buy as much as you want but only from the Chop Shop.
Yes, you can buy as many shelf ingredients as you can afford.
No, when you buy a shelf ingredient, you are essentially buying it without knowing what it is.
Yes. For example, if you are at the Dairy King but you need an ingredient from the Vegetable Land, you can give your money to someone who is there to buy it for you. This person can (but does not have to) charge you a premium for buying it for you.
No, you cannot discard or return an ingredient you are not using. You must either keep it, use it, or give it away to another player.
If 2 or more people want the same ingredient, a bidding war is triggered.
In a bidding war, players state how much they’d be willing to pay for the ingredient in question. Whoever bids the highest must immediately purchase that ingredient for the price that (s)he bid. If there is no highest bid (i.e. no one is willing to bid a higher amount than everyone else), then no one gets the ingredient. Also, bidding wars take place during BUY and BARTER, so it’s best to resolve bidding wars as quickly as possible so that players can resume buying and trading with everyone else. Players involved in a bidding war are allowed to receive money from other players since it’s occurring during BUY and BARTER. Players are allowed to drop out of a bidding war at any time. However, if your bid was the highest bid, then you must buy the ingredient for the price that you bid.
No. However, you may trade your recipe with another player if you’d like. Keep in mind that you can only trade a Basic Recipe for another Basic Recipe and a Gourmet Recipe for another Gourmet Recipe.
No. Each player must always have 1 Basic Recipe and 1 Gourmet Recipe at all times. Players can trade Basic Recipes with each other, and likewise with Gourmet Recipes, but they may not trade a Basic Recipe for a Gourmet Recipe.
No. The 1 garbage discount only applies when you use Tofu to replace a Chop Shop ingredient that’s listed in your recipe. E.g. If your recipe calls for Poultry but you use Tofu instead, then you get a 1 garbage discount.
Yes, but only if you own the Double Cooktop upgrade. You can purchase a Double Cooktop upgrade at The Island, but only during BUY and BARTER. When you cook both your Basic and Gourmet Recipes simultaneously, you do not receive the points or the garbage until after both recipes have been cooked.
Generally speaking, points must be recorded on the day that they were earned. (But as in most cases, it just depends on what you decide to do as a group.)
No. Chef Powers do not work at the Mystery Mart with the exception of one chef: Kim Chi.
When Kim is at the Mystery Mart, she can use her power to switch locations with another chef, assuming she has not already used her power that day and did not use her power on that chef the previous day. However, Kim Chi's power cannot be used against chefs at the Mystery Mart.
Generally, no.
In general, no. However, the following chefs can use their powers more than once per day:
Biff Brobeque “Bro-Tein Style”
Gardena Eden
Phyllis Grubman (only her cooking power--not her “free shelf ingredient” power)
Yes. However, chef powers still apply (both yours and whichever chefs are at your new location).
No. Antoine’s power only applies to other chefs who are at the same location as him.
Yes, when Antoine is at The Island, each piece of garbage costs $200 to throw away.
Yes. If Antoine is at a market where a bidding war is taking place, whoever places the winning bid must pay $100 on top of whatever the highest bid was. This applies even if Antoine was not involved in the bidding war.
Yes, and each time she does this, she can force a chef to discard a Chop Shop ingredient of her choice as long as they’re not using that ingredient to cook that day.
General Stroganov can take any non-Mystery Mart ingredient that is not physically listed in the other chef’s recipes. For example, if Biff is using Beef instead of Leafy Greens for his Caesar’s Salad recipe, Stroganov can take the Beef since it’s technically not “listed” as a required ingredient in Caesar’s Salad.
No, his power only applies to the shelf ingredients (the deck of facedown ingredients on the left side of each market).
Yes. If Kim is at the Mystery Mart, she can use her power to switch locations with another chef who is not at the Mystery Mart. However, if Kim is not at the Mystery Mart, she cannot use her power to switch locations with someone who is at the Mystery Mart.
Kim can use her power once all players reveal their movement wheels and show where they’re going to go.
still count toward the “1 action card per day” limit. In other words, if you already played an action card during MONEY and MOVE or BUY and BARTER, you cannot play another card during COOK and COUNTER.
5-Star Review can be played during COOK and COUNTER.
Go Vegan can be played during COOK and COUNTER.
Shopping Spree can be played immediately after BUY and BARTER ends.
Yes, when someone plays an action card, the Head Chef must pause the timer so that the player can read the action card and perform the action. Afterwards, the Head Chef resumes the timer.
You can only buy action cards during BUY and BARTER. Remember, you must be at The Island in order to buy action cards
Yes (Unless a Chef Power, Restaurant Power or Action Card allows otherwise)
You can buy as many action cards as you like.
You can have as many action cards as you want, but you can still only use one per day. There used to be a 5 card limit but not anymore.
You can only use 1 action card per day (Unless a Chef Power, Restaurant Power or Action Card allows otherwise)
Yes, but only during BUY and BARTER since it would be categorized as a “trade.”
Yes, but only during BUY and BARTER since it would be categorized as a “trade.”
Yes, action cards are one-time use only. Once an action card is used, it should be placed face up in a discard pile somewhere to the side.
Yes, action cards may be used immediately.
Yes, action cards can be used to override chef powers.
Yes. This is one of the only action cards that can be played during COOK and COUNTER.
No. You can wait until a future day to cook the recipe and gain the extra point.
No. You must cook the recipe that you attached the 5-Star Review to after you played it.
No. You must cook the recipe that you attached the 5-Star Review to after you played it.
Yes. If the player who used Alien Attack owns Alien, (s)he must draw 2 garbage for each Alien Goo (s)he has.
If you played Armed Robbery on someone who has $700, you get to take $300.
No, Clam-Voyance never counts toward the 1 action card per day limit.
In that case, Clam-Voyance would only protect the person who played it.
Note: Trades are not premitted while an action card is being resolved as the timer is paused, and play stops until the action card(s) is resolved.
No, the affected player gets to choose which ingredient to discard.
No, you can only collect $200 once per chef.
No, Dinner and a Show only applies to the other players.
The half off applies to each item you buy. For example, if you’re at The Island and you buy 2 action cards, you would pay $400 because each action card would be $200. Each action card would be $200 because half of $300 (the original price) is $150 and $150 rounds up to $200.
No. The minimum price for any discount item is $100 so there would be no discount on garbage or any ingredient that costs $100 (e.g. Carb-Tastic, “Fruit” Stand, Vegetable Land).
Yes, you can look through the ingredients and choose the 2 that you want to keep.
No, you can only pick from the ingredients that are currently in the shelf deck.
Yes, Go Vegan can be played during COOK and COUNTER.
If your recipe calls for a Chop Shop ingredient (e.g. Beef or Fish), you can substitute it with any “Fruit” Stand or Vegetable Land ingredient. However, you must be able to cook your recipe that day. You can use this substitution multiple times per recipe as long as it’s on the same day.
“Closed” restaurants basically can’t cook until the following day. Players with closed restaurants can still do everything else (i.e. buy, trade).
The person who plays Monopoly calls out 1 ingredient (e.g. “Noodles” or “Eggs”). Anyone who has that ingredient must give that ingredient to the person who played it. If you have more than 1 of that ingredient, you must give all of them to the player.
The other players must collectively pay $500 to get rid of Rat Infestation. (Players can place $ directly on top of the card). As long as a total of $500 is paid (it doesn’t matter by whom), then the Rat Infestation disappears. However, Rat Infestation can’t be removed the same day that it’s played.
You can play Shopping Spree either during BUY and BARTER or immediately afterwards (but before COOK and COUNTER begins). All other chefs return to their restaurants before your Shopping Spree begins (i.e. Chef powers do not affect you). You cannot trade with others during your Shopping Spree. Also, you cannot buy things from The Island or sell Chocolate.
Yes. You can use Special Order to take an ingredient from any counter so long as it has not already been purchased.
If they only have $100, take the $100. If they don’t have any money, you get nothing from that person.
No, there is no order to buying the upgrades.
Yes but you must immediately trade/give it to them upon purchasing it. Chefs may never have more than one of the same upgrade. (E.g. You can’t have two Social Media Advertising upgrades).
No, Chefs may never have more than one of the same upgrade.
Yes, but only during BUY and BARTER.
Yes, the garbage stays in your restaurant.
Yes, giving garbage to another player (assuming they are willing to receive it) constitutes as a “trade.” However, this can only be done during BUY and BARTER (as with all other trades).
Generally speaking, yes, you can choose not to cook. (However, it depends on how strict your game group decides to be.)
No, your recipe would be worth 0 points since that is the minimum value for any cooked recipe. I.e. You can never get negative points for cooking a recipe.
This might be my family's new favorite game.
Mark Streed | The Dice Tower
Some of the most beautiful components I've seen.
Jane | Backer #2331
The game is visually stunning and provides engaging game play that will have you fighting over everything from leafy greens to garbage.